Divider ball valve Storz
Dividers are used for distributing the extinguishing medium from one feed line over three hose lines, to obtain an optimum supply of extinguishing water. Ball valves for easy and quick controllability as a shut-off device.
Divider with screw down valves
Dividers are used for distributing the extinguishing medium from one feed line over three hose lines, to obtain an optimum supply of extinguishing water. Screw down valves for easy and quick controllability as a shut-off device.
Divider with screw down valves
Dividers are used for distributing the extinguishing medium from one feed line over two hose lines, to obtain an optimum supply of extinguishing water. Screw down valves for easy and quick controllability as a shut-off device.
Dividers with ball valves
Die AWG Verteiler dienen dazu, das Löschwasser aus einer Leitung in mehrere Schlauchleitungen aufzuteilen und somit eine optimale Löschwasserversorgung zu erhalten. Als Absperrorgan dient hier ein Kugelhahn, welches sich schnell und einfach öffnen lässt. Die zwei Eingänge des Verteilers ermöglichen eine ununterbrochene Wasserversorgung sicherzustellen.