Divider ball valve Storz
Dividers are used for distributing the extinguishing medium from one feed line over three hose lines, to obtain an optimum supply of extinguishing water. Ball valves for easy and quick controllability as a shut-off device.
Divider with screw down valves
Dividers are used for distributing the extinguishing medium from one feed line over three hose lines, to obtain an optimum supply of extinguishing water. Screw down valves for easy and quick controllability as a shut-off device.
Divider with screw down valves
Dividers are used for distributing the extinguishing medium from one feed line over two hose lines, to obtain an optimum supply of extinguishing water. Screw down valves for easy and quick controllability as a shut-off device.
Dividers with ball valves
Die AWG Verteiler dienen dazu, das Löschwasser aus einer Leitung in mehrere Schlauchleitungen aufzuteilen und somit eine optimale Löschwasserversorgung zu erhalten. Als Absperrorgan dient hier ein Kugelhahn, welches sich schnell und einfach öffnen lässt. Die zwei Eingänge des Verteilers ermöglichen eine ununterbrochene Wasserversorgung sicherzustellen.
The AWG Elbows are ideal for laying hose lines in another direction without bending or over sharp edges.
The AWG FIRE-EX cartride TURBO 100 is a efevtive solution for creating wetting agent. It reduces the surface tension of up to 1000 litres of extinguishing water directly in the inlet of your AWG Turbo-Nozzle
Hose-Shut-Off Valve
For shutting off the heading pipe run when extending, resp. for shutting the feeding line during filling.
Pressure relief valve
The pressure relief valve is used to protect hose lines and fittings from overloading. The pressure relief valve should limit the operating pressure for this purpose. If the set value is exceeded, the valve laterally controls water to the outside. At only 0.5 bar above set pressure, the pressure relief valve opens within only 0.1 seconds to adjust the pressure. The required operating pressure between 2 and 16 bar is shown at the illuminated pressure gauge.
Stand pipe DN 50
Standpipes for underground hydrants are made for drawing water from the local supply mains. Standpipes for drinking water security are equipped with bonnets with integrated high performance non-return valves. In each adapter at the standpipe outlet, two ventilation valves are integrated. Long version for parts of Baden-Württemberg.
Stand pipe DN 80
Standpipes for underground hydrants are made for drawing water from the local supply mains. Standpipes for drinking water security are equipped with bonnets with integrated high performance non-return valves. In each adapter at the standpipe outlet, two ventilation valves are integrated. Long version for parts of Baden-Württemberg.
Suction Strainer
The suction strainer serves as an inlet on a suction line for fire-fighting water from open water. Suction strainers with a non-return valve and drain arrangement prevent the liquid column from being broken off when the suction process is interrupted and allow the suction line to be filled. The rope-operated drain arrangement opens the non-return valve and empties the suction hose.
System Divider B-FW DIN 14346
The AWG system divider FW is a safety valve that serves primarily to protect drinking water from the supply network from contamination. Every use of extinguishing water poses a risk for drinking water and pipe systems. The AWG system divider FW and the components of the AWG drinking water protection system work together optimally to protect the drinking water network.
Test set for AWG system divider B-FW
Test kit in a handy case for STANDARD- and ADVANCED test procedure every 12 months.